Recent content by Admin

  1. Admin

    10 of the best steroid cycles.

    Building Your Perfect Anabolic Steroid Cycle Training for Muscle Mass Building. <iframe width="400" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope...
  2. Admin

    Best Steroids for Bulking Up & Best Steroids for Lean Mass

    Anabolic Steroid Cycles for Gaining Muscle Mass and Cutting fat Gaining mass, putting on the pounds (bulking): Testosterone is the base of our cycles. A beginner doesnt need much to see great gains. Over the last couple years on the internet, the beginner dosage has slowly increased. Once upon...
  3. Admin

    Clenbuterol FAQ. How to cycle Clen and Clen Side Effects and Doses

    Clenbuterol Dosage, Duration, Do's and Don'ts Guide Clenbuterol Dosage, Duration, Do's and Don'ts Guide <iframe width="400" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write...
  4. Admin

    Testing New Thread From Tapatalk App

    Test test test Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Admin

    Victor Martinez Answers: Why He Left MHP And Started SuperHero Labz

    So who is going to post about this first?? Lol
  6. Admin

    New mask mandates

    The wold is upside down
  7. Admin

    TRT Dose

    Any new TRT Rejuvenation Offices Open up lately? Wonder what happen to doc Henry who had a clinic he posted about here a while ago. Hope he is well and he seemed very stand up and knowledgeable
  8. Admin

    Liquid proviron?

    Wonder how well that would do
  9. Admin

    Getting Ripped with Synthetek

    Gonna have to check synthetek out again and See what’s new! Always was a fan but it’s been a minute
  10. Admin

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please do not forget.....

    Free Money! You can put to good use fairly quickly!!
  11. Admin

    Lee Labrada Believes Son, Hunter, Is Destined To Win Olympia

    Yeah I wasn’t feeeling this kid not too long ago but he brought me back around! Not quite yet a believer though lol
  12. Admin

    UFC Fighter Jon Jones Has Been Arrested For Domestic Violence In Las Vegas

    We should start a pro athletes pool , like a death pool but instead who’s getting arrested next in the MMA HELL I WOULD HAVE TAKEN JON Jones ! Shit I’d buy another slot for Jones to be arrested again in less than 18 months